July 27, 2024

September 1, 2020 NHTSA Published a Request for Comments on an Interim Final Rule Changing the Phase-In Schedule for FMVSS 141 (Minimum Sound Requirements for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles) in Response to the COVID-19 Effects on the Auto Industry.

DATES: The amendments made in this rule are effective August 28, 2020. Comments should be submitted your comments early enough to ensure that the docket receives them by September 16, 2020.

SUMMARY: This interim final rule responds to an emergency petition submitted by the Alliance resulting from the COVID–19 public health emergency. After considering the issues raised in the Alliance petition, NHTSA agreed that the COVID-19 disruptions to automotive manufacturing made compliance with the phase-in schedule for FMVSS 141 impracticable and warranted appropriate regulatory relief. The Agency granted two of petitioner’s requests, in part, by deferring both the compliance dates for the phase-in schedule and date for full compliance by six months. The Agency declined to adopt petitioner’s third request for an alternative phase-in performance requirement. NHTSA is seeking comment on this interim final rule.

On April 4th, NHTSA Withdrew Its Proposed Rulemaking from 2012 That Would Have Harmonized FMVSS 205 (49 CFR 571.205) with the Global Technical Regulation Number 6

DATES:  The June 21, 2012 NPRM on Glazing material was withdrawn as of April 4, 2019.

RATIONALE:  NHTSA determined that it did not have sufficient data to evaluate the safety implications of harmonizing FMVSS No. 205 with GTR No. 6, and therefore, withdrew the 2012 NPRM.

On February 8th, NHTSA Withdrew Its Proposed Rulemaking from 2012 That Would Have Mandated Event Data Recorders With the Characteristics Required by FMVSR 563 For Optional Event Data Recorders (49 CFR 563)

DATES: The NPRM ‘‘Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Event Data Recorders,’’ RIN 2127–AK86, published December 13, 2012 (77 FR 74144), is withdrawn as of February 8, 2019

RATIONALE:  At the time the NPRM was published, there were a large number of light vehicles that did not have event data recorders, and NHTSA was proposing to mandate them.  As of the date of withdrawal, almost all light vehicles contain event data recorders, making mandating them unnecessary.

On December 26, 2019 NHTSA Published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Regarding the Hybrid III 5th Percentile Female Test Dummy (49 CFR 572; Docket No NHTSA-2019-0023)

DATES: Comments should be received on or before February 24, 2020.  NHTSA proposes that Final Rule will become effective 45 days after its publication.

SUMMARY:  This document proposes to revise the chest jacket and spine box specifications for the Hybrid III 5th Percentile Female Test Dummy (HIII– 5F).

This rulemaking responds to a petition for rulemaking from the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers. 

The proposed jacket revisions would resolve discrepancies between the jacket specifications in Subpart O and jackets available in the field, and ensure a sufficiently low level of variation between jackets fabricated by different manufacturers.

  • Existing jackets available do not meet the NHTSA Regulation requirements
  • SAE has developed SAE J2921 Jacket Specifications
  • NHTSA proposes to incorporate by reference SAE Standard J2921

The spine box revisions would eliminate a source of signal noise caused by fasteners within the box that may become loose.

  • In the mid-2000s, the SAE Task Force began an effort—in parallel with its efforts on the chest jacket—to find and eliminate a source of signal noise that sometimes emanated from the HIII–5F spine box.
  • Alliance members determined that the noise was caused by loosening of six socket head cap screws attaching the spine box to the lower spine.
  • As a long-term solution, SAE developed an alteration to improve the spine box. Specifically, it recommended adding plates to the side of the spine box, with bolts countersunk into the plate to remove any play from the assembly. The alteration prevents the screws from loosening and eliminates the signal noise.
  • NHTSA and others tested the new spine box fix as it was being developed.
  • NHTSA proposes to change the spine box specifications to permanently fix the signal noise problem. The new versions of the drawing package, parts list and PADI proposed for incorporation by reference include the SAE J2915 specifications for the improved spine box.

On December 21, 2018 the FMCSA Published a Final Rule Relating to State Issuance of Commercial Learner’s Permit Validity (49 CFR 583).

DATE: The Rule is Effective on February 19, 2019.

DISCUSSION:  This rule is intended to make it easier and more cost effective for State Driver Licensing Agencies to issue Commercial Learner’s Permits.  It provides an alternative to the current regulation and the states do not need to use the alternative unless it is more cost effective than the than the current procedures, which remain in effect.