February 13, 2025

Written Communications between Selander Law and NHTSA, including comments on Rulemaking

04/12/17–Comments filed by Stephen Selander of the Selander Law Office relating to NHTSA’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications (Proposed Safety Standard FMVSS 150, 49 CFR 571.150), Docket No. 2016-0126, https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=NHTSA-2016-0126-0317

11/22/16–Comments filed by Stephen Selander of the Selander Law Office relating to the Request for Comments on NHTSA’s Request for OMB Approval of a collection of documents related to the Federal Automated Vehicle Policy, Docket No. NHTSA 2016-0091 , https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=NHTSA-2016-0090-1072 This comment was misfiled under Docket No. NHTSA 2016-0090.

11/22/16 Comments filed by Stephen Selander of the Selander Law Office relating to NHTSA’s Federal Automated Vehicle Policy, Docket No. NHTSA 2016-0090, https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=NHTSA-2016-0090-1114

5/2/16–Comments filed by Stephen Selander of the Selander Law Office relating to NHTSA’s Request for Public Comments on NHTSA’s Enforcement Guidelines relating to Automated Vehicles, Docket No. NHTSA 2016-0040 https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=NHTSA-2016-0040-0024

5/28/15—Comments filed by Stephen Selander of the Selander Law Office and Daniel Malone of Butzel Long relating to NHTSA’s Retooling Workshop Conference– http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=NHTSA-2015-0038-0002

8/20/2013–NHTSA Final Rule on Early Warning Reporting, Foreign Defect Reporting and Equipment Recall Regulations discussing favorably several of the November 9, 2012 Selander Law Office Comments and agreeing not to make a proposed change opposed by Selander Law Office– http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=NHTSA-2012-0068-0032

11/9/2012 Selander Law Office filed Comments on NHTSA Notice of Proposed Rulemaking dated September 10, 2012 on Early Warning Reporting, Foreign Defect Reporting, and Motor Vehicle and Equipment Recall Regulations, among other things recommending that NHTSA not adopt its proposal to limit disclaimers in S573 Reports–

9/17/2009–To correct the inconsistency pointed out by Attorney Stephen Selander, NHTSA agreed with Mr. Selander’s proposal that the closed parenthesis in the definition of ‘‘other safety campaign’’ should be moved to immediately after the term ‘‘of first sale’’ to be consistent with the definition of ‘‘customer satisfaction campaign.’’ NHTSA did not receive any comments opposing the proposed change and therefore the amendment to the definition of ‘‘other safety campaign’’ was adopted as proposed, https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2009-09-17/pdf/E9-22365.pdf  see Section J on page 47752.

12/05/2008–Section IIIL of NHTSA’S Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposes a correction to the definition of “Other Safety Campaign” in response to an inconsistency between the definitions of “Customer Satisfaction Campaign” and “Other Safety Campaign” pointed out by Attorney Stephen Selander.  See Section L page 74116 of the link. – NHTSA Early Warning Reporting Regulations.

8/27/2004–NHTSA Interpretation of the definition of “Motor Vehicle” in Response to an Interpretation Request by Stephen Selander– http://isearch.nhtsa.gov/files/04-004579drn.html

11/27/2002 Attorney Stephen Selander commented on NHTSA’s Early Warning Regulations stating that burden to automobile manufacturers and suppliers could be lessened by (1) increasing the size of “small manufacturer” to 5000 vehicles; (2) limiting component supplier reporting to aftermarket and replacement equipment; and (3) limiting one time historical reporting to warranty. – Comments on petitions for reconsideration of NHTSA Docket No. 2001-8677.

5/22/92–Interpretation of FMVSS 114 in response to an Interpretation Request from Stephen Selander– http://isearch.nhtsa.gov/files/7044.html

4/29/1992–Nine NHTSA Interpretations relating to FMVSS 101 and 105 as applied to Electric Vehicles in Response to a Request for Interpretation from Stephen Selander– http://isearch.nhtsa.gov/files/6992.html

2/28/92–Interpretation Request from Stephen Selander to NHTSA Chief Counsel regarding FMVSS 114 (Theft Protection) as it applies to a proposed electronic key locking system– http://isearch.nhtsa.gov/gm/92/nht92-8.42.html

2/17/1992–Interpretation Request from Stephen Selander to NHTSA regarding FMVSS 101 (Controls and Displays) and FMVSS 105 (Hydraulic braking systems) as they apply to electric vehicles–