July 27, 2024

On June 18, the CPSC Published Its Final Rule Safety Standard on Stationary Activity Centers, [(SACs) (16 CFR 1112 and 1238)]

DATES:  The rule will become effective on December 18, 2019. The incorporation by reference of the publication listed in this rule is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of December 18, 2019.


ASTM F2012–18?1 defines an SAC as ‘‘a freestanding product intended to remain stationary that enables a sitting or standing occupant whose torso is completely surrounded by the product to walk, rock, play, spin or bounce, or all of these, within a limited range of motion.’’ ASTM F2012–18?1, section 3.1.12. This definition does not include doorway jumpers.


On June 19, 2018, the Commission issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPR), proposing to incorporate by reference the voluntary standard for SACs, ASTM F2012–18?1, without modifications. ASTM F2012–18?1 is still the current version of the standard.

In this final rule, the Commission incorporated by reference ASTM F2012– 18?1, with no modifications, as the mandatory safety standard for SACs. The CPSC staff had consulted with manufacturers, retailers, trade organizations, laboratories, consumer advocacy groups, consultants, and the public to develop this standard, largely through the ASTM standard- development process. In addition, this final rule amended the list of the requirements in 16 CFR part 1112.15(b) for third party conformity testing bodies to include the standard for SACs. This rule was based on information in CPSC staff’s briefing package, ‘‘Staff’s Draft Final Rule for Stationary Activity Centers Under the Danny Keysar Child Product Safety Notification Act,’’ which is available on CPSC’s website.